Thursday, March 6, 2008

Running Commentary

Maggie is a funny girl. She is constantly talking (or screaming). If you go for a car ride with her, it is much more interesting to turn down the radio and listen to her. Her "conversation" with herself goes something like this...

"I feed my baby"
"White car"
"Lights. Lots of lights. Where those lights?"
"Yellow car on my side. My side. Not Maura's side. Yellow Car"
"My baby is hungry."
"Milk store. I want milk. Milk. Milk. I like milk"
"My baby is hungry. She wants milk"

This could go on for hours. I think she gets it from Sean. When we are watching one of my shows he usually does the same thing, pointing out how stupid my show is.

1 comment:

Slacker Mama said...

Mags is definitely a cutie. I *still* can't believe how much she is talking now. And her doll obsession is just too cute!