Saturday, July 30, 2011

There is someone for everyone.

This summer I worked at a summer camp at Episcopal Academy, which is right down the road from us. Jenn Smith and I "job shared," one of us worked, while the other watched the little ones. The older four (Isabel, Maura, Mags and Chloe) were able to go to the camp. It really worked out well.

Anyway, Jenn had the kids last week and took B, KJ, and Brady to Dunkin Donuts. In walked some men in suits. B turned to Jenn and said, very seriously, "Jenn, those men are very handsome." Now, I wasn't there, and who am I to judge anyway. However I have a reliable source that tells me they were well over 60 and at least one of them was bald!

To each his (or her) own!

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