Monday, September 27, 2010

A whole new year

Yes, in our house, we do new years in September. I mean the change of date is cool in January, but that really is the only thing that changes. August to September, that is a whole new ball game.

August was crazy, in a lazy sort of way. We were away for three weeks!! Yes, three weeks of vacation... how lucky is that. We did one week in Hilton Head with the Shorts and two weeks in Avalon with the O'Reillys. All three weeks were very fun and very busy. I was planning to do a lot of running to "train" for my half marathon in September, but I think I ran all of 3 times on vacation. It may be vacation, but apparently you still have to watch your kids.

We came back three days before Kindergarten started. I am not sure why, but I WAS A WRECK. not, I cried a little, or a lot. I mean a total wreck. I had serious stomach issues from Sunday until Thursday. I was not able to sleep more than three hours a night, and the sleep I did get, I dreamed about forgetting to pick a kid up from school or screwing up the carpool line. Luckily, through the help of a lot of friends and family, Sean and I were both able to go to everything important leading up to school starting. And Sean was able to walk Maura to school with me on her first day. She could not have been more excited. She literally was pulling us to the car. We dropped her off at the entrance and she walked right in, no turning back, until the nice lady at the door reminded her to wave goodbye to Mom and Dad. That was a mistake because I was already sobbing at that point. But I put on a smile and waved through the tears.

I then had to take Mags to her Life Stories at preschool... which is basically a meet the teacher. I am not exaggerating when I say, I sobbed to the teacher. So much so that I was not able to even apologize for sobbing. Luckily the teacher knows me. I then picked Maura up from school, ran home and dropped her off (my mom was still there from the morning) took B to her Life Stories (only a few tear ups this time). Came home, picked up Mags, took her to ballet. Came home, fed the girls a quick dinner and got Maura ready for soccer practice. So, after typing this, I am pretty sure the stomach un-easiness was not only about M's first day of kindergarten, but my anxiety about having to be in two places at once.

Pick up for Maura is at 11:40 and pickup for mags and B is at 11:45. And they are not less than 3 minutes apart. However, once again as a result of wonderful friends and the wonderful world of carpooling... it is all working out. I am sleeping again. And my stomach is back to normal.

All the girls are loving everything this year. B and Mags are taking ballet... absolutely adorable. Maura is tearing up the soccer field- 4 goals to date, and a game ball to boot. They love going to school every morning. As a matter of fact we are often too early for school because they are so excited to get out of the door. I am so happy for Mags, after a not great, (not bad, but not great) year last year, she really seems to be in her element this year.

Life is still crazy. They still whine and complain. They even fight and yell at each other (and me). But overall, everyone seems happy. I ran my half marathon to my shock, and now I am back to working out, so that even makes me happy. Sean is doing great. He is super busy at work. A good thing in this economy, and taking classes at Villanova on Monday nights. He really has stepped up his husband of the year game, and been very helpful and supportive lately. Not that he always wasn't, but the word VERY is stressed.

B and I are heading to Arkansas this weekend. I am really excited to see everyone out there. It is always so fun to get together with family. I can't wait.

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