Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fitting in

Well, I wondered how I would do it, how I would possibly manage with 4 kids? So far, it really is not so bad. Except, that is, when it is REALLY bad. We always seem to be on one end of the extreme. Either things are eerily good. Like when I took the girls to the mall. What a wonderful three hours we had there. We were a bit of a spectacle. Many commented on the triple stroller and the number of young girls tagging along with me (They're not all yours, are they? was heard more than once.). But it was an enjoyable, and productive, trip. But then there is the other extreme. Like trying to get out the door with a screaming three year old who refuses to wear ANYTHING. And a frantic Mommy who knows my window of time to get out and back before feeding Kerri is limited. Not to mention, our doctor's appointment in fifteen minutes. However, I must say, Kerri is not a bit of a problem. The only struggle with her is finding the time to actually sit and feed her. I thank goodness that I am nursing her, because that very well may be the only time I sit down all day. I sometimes kill two birds with one stone and nurse while in the bathroom. Cuts that sitting time down even more! (I guess that might not be that sanitary, but definitely necessary sometimes!)

Kerri is adjusting quite nicely. We are doing a bit of a juggling act these days because Mags and B have both been sick, and we are trying to keep them away from K, but also trying not to transfer their germs to her through us. Lots of hand washes, which leads to raw and chapped hands. I do feel badly when I am holding little K and B is looking at me with her sad sick eyes, but I know it is more important to keep K healthy. I have never had this before, a winter baby. I really am so nervous about her getting sick. I am just so happy that K is here, and healthy and fitting in quite well. I am also happy, I might add, that she has blessed us with a full night's sleep. Thanks so much for that, K. We love having you here with us!

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I don't know how you do it. I'm so happy that everything is going (relatively) smoothly and will not mention how frustrating it is to read that you can get your one month old to sleep through the night and I can't get my 8 month old to sleep for longer than 4 or 5 hours at a stretch. You've got this mother thing down pat!