Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Really? Is this normal?

When do the terrible twos officially end? If it is not soon in this house I may lose it. Maggie is still having issues being dropped off at school. I am used to that. Today she threw THE WORLD'S BIGGEST FIT being picked up from school. I mean there was guttural screaming, kicking, throwing, hitting, you name it, we had it. All right there for everyone to see.

I thought I had done everything right. I brought her sippy cup in with me, full of cold milk. I even brought the stroller so she could sit on the back and enjoy her milk. That was not good enough for her. Someone had to help me push the stroller to the car while I carried a kicking, screaming 3 year old to my car. I then had to wait 20 minutes or more for her to calm down enough that I could literally shove her in her seat. It reminded me a little of child abuse, I must admit, but compared to what she was doing to me, it was nothing.

But by the time we got home she was saying sorry and giving me big hugs and snuggles. I still adore you Mags, but these temper tantrums have got to stop.


Chrissy said...

Right there with you. We brought Marsh to my old classroom the other day when Will was speaking at the Veteran's Day assembly. Same behavior as Maggie's when it was time to go. I had to use my angry mommy voice just to get him out of the room. "Mommy is not happy! Get on your feet right now!" That got movement, but the yelling continued. Three may be even worse than two. Sigh!

Slacker Mama said...

Don't you know...3-year-olds are just 2-year-olds with training!

In August we had a very very similar situation with E. Wait a minute...who am I kidding? We had a situation like that this morning!

Just a tip: I find an elbow works well to get them in the car seat.

Sarah R said...

Oh man...I guess I have a lot to look forward to! Jonas is still a good 4 months away from 2, yet he threw a tantrum with one similar element (had to wait several minutes for him to calm down to get him in the car seat) just today!
I hope you have recovered from the trauma :)

marathon mom said...

I had to have one of the teachers carry Julia to the car last month- she did not want to be picked up and was laying in the door of the school holding on for dear life. She throws fits for the heck of it, and I cannot wait for it to stop. I hope all of these fits stop soon!

Kate said...

I think Kate Goslin (sp?) from John and Kate Plus 8 said it best when they were on Oprah..."Don't you know? Three is the new two!" Hope you're feeling better