Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let's Rock and Roll

Whenever i am ready to go somewhere and head out the door, I say "Let's Rock and Roll." (Thanks Dad) I am sure it is annoying, but i do not even notice it, that was until one of my little mimickers mimicked me. Mags says it all the time now. From her it is indeed very cute. She'll put on her shoes, pick up her milk (and doll, and bear, and book, and whatever other 20 things she decides she needs to bring with us) and say "Rock and Roll." It really is quite charming.

In other rocking news B is at the stage where she climbs UP on everything. I am not sure this is a stage ALL 11 month olds go through, but all my 11 month olds have. B will climb on to the kid size picnic table. The stands on the "sit" of the sit-n-stand. She was standing in the doll stroller in the basement today. And the standard O'Reilly gal move, today the was trying to get up on the rocking chair. Each girl has stood on the chair backward and rocked. They sometimes rock pretty darn hard too.

Let's Rock and Roll!

1 comment:

Slacker Mama said...

That's cute. I overheard E telling one of her dolls, "Hurry up baby...put a fire under it!"

That's all me.