Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mom and Dad at the Emerald Isle

Sean and I just got back from Ireland last weekend. We had a great time with John and Katie Short. We were very busy, 5 cities in six nights, but very fun. The girls stayed with my parents over the weekend and then with Sean's parents for the week. They had a great time with their grandparents. Maura and Bridget did it with little problem. I think Maggie had a little more trouble adjusting to life without mom and dad. I think she was already upset because Sean had been away for a lot of the two weeks before we left. She would whine for daddy all the time. I think when she got sad or hurt she would cry for Mommy. Nice to know she loves me, but sad for the little baby. She is so emotional.

When we walked into the O'Reilly's house Maggie really started to jump up and down. Yelling Mommy and Daddy. Maura looked up from the blocks and said hey mom did you have a good time in Ireland? When B woke up from her nap I went in to get her, and she was *happy* to see me, but was even happier to see Mimi come in and rescue her from me. She was very excited to see Sean when I walked her outside to see him.

That night we went to the carnival, which in our house is an event that is anticipated all year. we literally drive by the lot where the carnival is each year about 5 times a week. Every time we do, the girls get very excited and inform me that "that's where the carnival is going to be." We were lucky that it was in town one more night when we got into town on Saturday. It was rainy in the morning so I was worried we might not get to go, but it cleared up, and go we did. The girls went on every ride. Maura's favorite was the roller coaster (kid sized) mags was the little Ferris Wheel. Maura has always loved rides: the faster and bigger, the better. She always points to the crazy upside down ones and says that is the one I want. Sorry, sweetie, you are too little. We had a great time though and the girls got used to being with mommy and daddy again (although today Mo told me that Mimi is indeed more fun than I am... I already knew that!).

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