Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things I want to remember.

About Maura...
She really is a smart five year old. She is proud of her new beginning skills in reading.
She always asks to "do math... and not easy ones." I ask her addition and subtraction and she does it in her head. (like 8+5 and 12-7)
She loves to help out with Kerri. She even gets her out of her car seat for me.
She could care less about what she wears. Dirty/clean, doesn't matter to her.
She loves to watch the Jetsons and play computer games.
She wants to be a teacher, a farmer, a paleontologist and a cheerleader when she grows up.
She is a daredevil on her bike.

About Maggie...
She starts most words with "be", like I be-member (remember) or be-sider (consider) this
She loves, loves, loves her momma.
She loves her blankie and really needs it to sleep.
She is a great dresser. She likes to change her clothes multiple times throughout the day.
She and B play very nicely together.
She is great at drawing flowers and her family.
She is a great swimmer. She literally floats and/or treads water for hours at a time.
She can write her name and is a great color-er.

About Bridget...
She loves her boyfriends Jimmy (jim jims) and Brady. (and Tory too)
When you ask her who is in her class, she says her two teachers and the two boys in her class.
She loves to watch Dora, and, for a two year old, is way too obsessed with tv.
She would get in the car with anyone... she is always ready to go somewhere.
When we pull into the neighborhood, she says, "No, I don't want to go home."
She loves to push her babies in her stroller, even to the YMCA.
She LOVES he pacifier (Shashi). ALOT
She loves to cuddle. If you are sitting with her, she will rub your arm (or face, or whatever she is near) gently.
She is a mostly a daredevil, but is the most cautious of all my girls.
Her teacher tells stories of her falling off the chairs, alot.
She eats chalk, playdoh, glue, etc.!

About Kerri Jean...
She is mostly happy and content.
when she wakes up in her crib, she just plays in her crib until you come get her.
At nap time she starts crying as you are walking up the steps to get to her room.
She is a great eater. She eats just about anything, but if she doesn't want it, she lets you know. She throws it... far.
She has a great belly laugh and a great belly. We call her Buddha Belly.
She loves swimming and taking a bath, until one of her sisters splashes her.
She thinks her dad is pretty fantastic.
She calls everything and everyone Mama.
She still loves her bottle.
She never took a pacifier.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Up and Running

Well, walking. Kerri Jean is officially walking. It takes a lot round these part to make it official, but I think after a week of 90% of her time spent on her tootsie toes, we will call her a walker. She is the most cautious walkers I have ever seen (at least in my family). I remember the first day Mags crawled was also the first day she stood, and the first day she climbed a step. Not KJ, she takes it slow and steady. Good for her. I always wanted a "chill" toddler. Haven't had one yet. Maybe it is her! I am so happy for her. She is so proud of herself and can get into so many new things she could not reach before! She can also wear cute dresses now! (I am not a fan of crawling babies in dresses... it just seems cruel!)