Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Little Martha Stewart

People always comment on how much Mags looks like Sean. Many people, who do not know her well, also assume she is a tom boy. I guess because she looks like Sean. She is so far from a Tom boy.

She loves to clean, set the table, decorate and re-decorate rooms and put together great outfits. She is also really good at it. She has an "eye" for putting outfits together and for creating centerpieces on our dinner table (or the coffee table, or the floor, or her bed, you get the point.)

Well this she gets from her mom, not her dad. Her dad, I am sure, does not even know the color of our bedroom, let alone what pictures are on the wall. I also bet that Mags does.

Well yesterday I was in the shower. K was napping and M, M and B were in my bed watching TV. When I came out, Maggie had gotten a "treat" for all the girls. She had gone into the kitchen, got three cups and filled them with not just milk, chocolate milk! Then she got out two glass dishes and put a variety of choices of snacks on the plates. She had a few pretzels, some Hershey kisses, a handful of conversation hearts, and a few other choices (I would like to say some fruit or veggies, but not so sure). They were sectioned off neatly, and I think she may have even alternated dark and light colors, just like her mom would do. I was so proud I let them eat all that food right there in my bed!

Now Maura looks just like me, but she, like her father would have just brought a bag of chips up. Mags, looks like her dad, but she sure is like her mom in so many ways! I guess we will see what B and k bring!