Sunday, November 29, 2009

Please stand up.

No need to ask KJ twice. She stood up today, without holding on to anything for about 10-15 seconds! Papa, Mommy, Daddy and Mimi were all there to see it! Yeah... go Kerri!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

We are doing something right.

Of course during this Thanksgiving season the kids do all kinds of crafts with turkeys and thankfulness and all that. Well, when I went in for Mags conference her teacher gave me her "thankful" turkey. She had four feathers on it with things she is currently thankful for... Mom and Dad (thankyouverymuch) chicken nuggets, the playground and friends, and God. I thought all those things seemed fine, normal for a four year old. But her teacher pointed out the "God" feather. She said that really impressed her and surprised her. In all her years of teaching (14) no one has ever said that (seems hard to believe). Mags was not prepped at all and said it on her own. I was proud (of myself!) but moved on to the writing and the socializing and the other things that come up in a conference.

Yesterday Maura came home with a bag of crafts. Her thankful turkey, which I must say was
3-D and pretty impressive, only had one thing she was thankful for. You guessed it... God. I guess we are doing something right here. Of course, if we were doing even better, maybe her one thing she was thankful for would be her mom and dad!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So conferences have begun. Maggie had her very first conference this year. I am feeling a little guilty. See, we always compare Mags to what Maura was doing at her age. Now, we pushed Maura ahead when she was little (thus she is repeating preK this year). So Maura was introduced to everything early. What we should be comparing Maggie to is what Maura was doing at her "grade" (I know we should NOT be comparing them at all, but let's be real). SO I went to meet with Mags teacher.

Apparently she is very advanced for her age... who woulda thunk it?!? She showed me a picture of a person Mags drew. It was very recognizably a person... a person with his limbs coming out of his head. Well, this is apparently advanced for her age. And the fact that she can write her name, well also advanced. Needless to say, I left feeling proud, but a little ashamed. I will never refer to Mags as "just not the student type" again.

Maura's conference went well too. She is doing great, making friends and loving life in general. Her alphabet book was great, full of drawings and words she wrote, many of which she spells herself. Her teacher did comment that she needs to slow down and be a little neater. Her teacher last year told her that too. We notice it too, but I guess if that is the worst thing, that is not too bad. We'll work on it!

We did not have a conference for B... I did not want to hear anything bad!! just kidding, I talked to her teacher at the auction for a while and thought it would be repetitive. Her teacher says she thinks B is going to "blossom developmentally" this year so we will have to keep in touch! We'll see! She is still loving school and talks about her teacher, Ms. Cammy, all the time. She also seems to have stopped hitting kids and generally beating people up (she never did this in school, but she did every where else!) She sure is a lot to keep up with, but she really is so darn cute and so flipping funny!

I am very glad the girls are doing so well and have adjusted so nicely and easily to their new school and environment.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Some things I want to remember...

This morning I heard Sean say something to B that I had forgotten that she used to say. I thought, I can't believe I forgot that, already. That made me head down to my computer and write down a few things that the girls are doing now that I want to remember.

If you ask her if she likes something (that she really likes) she says, "No, I don't like it. I LOVE it." or "No, I am not excited. I am SUPER EXCITED." The first time she said it about me (I really love you!) I have to say, I was thrilled.

Maura is growing up and is seeming to get a bit of an attitude. I am trying to nip it in the bud by counting her and sending her to her room for her "attitude" but it is kind of hard to clearly define and explain "attitude" to a five year old.

Maura loves school and all her friends now. She has been asking for playdates (and having them) a lot this year. When she walks into school everyone yells. Hi Maura. When I pick her up, she waves at everyone out of the window and says goodbye to each one by name. This may not be unusual for most kids, but it is for Maura. She was very quiet last year.

Maura is sounding out words and learning to read some words. She loves it. She asks a ton of questions and explains things in great detail. One day Maura, Maggie and I were playing hairdresser. Mags was busy combing and twirling and spraying my hair. Maura sat on the other side explaining the building that the hairdresser was in... we were on the 9th floor. there were three elevators; if you wanted lunch.... etc. She explained it for over twenty minutes. Maggie was done doing my hair and on to a new game, and Maura was still describing the building.

She has homework each week that she does totally on her own. She may not always do it how I would have her do it, but she does it. I am proud of her.

She explains her emotions very well. She will say."I am jealous" or "angry" or (my favorite) "frustrated" (not that I like her being frustrated, just that I think it is cute to hear that word coming out of her mouth.).

Still the dress up queen. Today she wore a Tiara to school.

Notices anything new on a person... a haircut, a new pair of shoes, earrings, etc. She always compliments it.

Still asks for a wiper towel.

Is a great "story teller." We love to hear all her stories. They are usually very similar to something that happened to someone else in the family, but with her name/friends substituted.

Is the biggest cuddler. She will cuddle any time, any place. As you lie there, she will rub your back, play with your hair.

Still twists her hair and sucks on a sippy cup like a bottle. When she gets upset she demands milk. If she is very upset, she will go find a pacifier and suck on that for a few minutes (hours if I would let her).

Says I love you to the North Star, Uranus (not pronounced quite that way) Saturn and back. (The moon and back got boring.)

Says: Ho Ho Da Da (we have no idea what this means).

If you say "O'Reilly" in a sing songy voice, she will repeat it (in the same sing songy voice) over and over again.

Loves doing whatever the older girls are doing. Yesterday I gave the girls all candy corns. Maura and Maggie put theirs in a bowl. B disappeared for a little bit and came back with her candy corn on a plate. She was so proud to be like her sisters. Of course, balancing candy corn on a plate is not so easy.

Loves her dolls. Really loves playing mommy right now and is super loving and kind to them.

loves sitting or laying or rolling on Kerri.

Her teacher told us she falls off her chair at least twice during snack time each day. I think that is hilarious.

Knows when she is doing something she should not be (which is a lot) and has a smile that tells you this.


Cruising all over the place. She is so busy and so curious and so quiet. She will crawl from room to room and just play with whatever is there.

She gets so excited to see you when you walk into the room. The other day when I picked her up from the gym babysitting room she was jumping up and down so much the excersaucer (they still put her in that at the gym) was banging on the floor so loudly. Everyone at the gym loves little KJ. They are always saying how perfect she is. I would chalk it up to "they say that about everyone" but I have three other girls there, so I know that is not the case.

KJ is a great eater. She will eat anything you give her. She will sit in her high chair for an hour eating if you let her (and I do). When she is done eating and no one is around she will just twist her head around and look all over for you. You'll see her little top of her head peeking out, but she doesn't cry or scream.

Started wearing her hair in the waterfall ponytail just this week.

If you hold her amrs, she will take one or two steps, but really is not that interested in walking yet.

Can climb up the steps.

I always think I am going to remember everything, but I alraedy forgot some of the things I thought of today when I was upstairs, so I will definitely be adding to this post later.
loves being tickled. Has the best laugh ever! Well, hers and Bridget's are both great.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

KJ is moving on up

And it is making more work for mommy. Time to get out the gates again. Kerri officially crawled up the entire stairway from the basement to the kitchen on Monday, October 26th. I usually just close the doors that lead into the laundry room and the basement and let her have at it. Or just let her go where ever she wants in the playroom. No longer is that a possibility. And she is so darn quiet, you lose her very easily. One minute she is crawling in the family room right next to you, the next she is gone. I am scurrying around looking for her. She crawls fast and quietly. I have minor heart attacks a few times a day, wondering if I forgot her somewhere. She is so quiet in the car that I often will yell back to the girls in the truck to check if KJ is in her carseat. So far, we haven't left her anywhere (well there was that one time back at the girls old school, but that was just for a minute or two and all was good).

One day I was talking to my friend Meghan on the phone and put KJ down for a nap while we were on the phone. 10 minutes later I hung up and starting looking around for Kerri. I couldn't find her on the first floor (obviously). I ran to the playroom to see if she was there... the girls hadn't seen her. I was starting to get nervous, a little panicked I might say. As I started to run up the steps to the second floor I noticed her closed bedroom door, and just then remembered I had already put her down for a nap. Yes, I am officially that batty old mom that lives up the street.


Somehow we now have a five and a four year old living in our house. Maura turned 5 on September 21st (yes, a while back) and Mags turned 4 this past Wednesday. We had two separate parties for them this year. Each was very different, but I think the girls had a ball at their parties.

Maura had her party at a gymnastics center this year. It was fantastic. They got to jump on trampolines, play games, do the parachute, even "fly" on the harness. All the parents standing around were jealous of that part!! It was also the easiest party to prep for. I made cupcakes and favor bags, (and a little more here and there) and that was basically it. No cleaning, before or after, no meals, wow was it easy. I swore that day, NEVER to have another kids party at our house again. So what did we do last night? Had 25 of our favorite under 6 friends (and their parents) at our house for a party. A little (insert eye roll) more work, but still lots of fun. We played a few crazy games. They were unorganized and crazy, which drives me nuts. I like things ordered (not sure why I keep having kids then!). Had some food, ate cupcakes, then went trick or treating. It rained on our parade (literally) so we had a bunch of wet cats and witches, and princesses, and cowboys. The rain however, did not seem to bother most of the under 3 foot crowd at all.

We were lucky to have some friends stay to watch the Phillies (lose) and the Shorts spent the night. This was an extra treat for the girls. A sleepover. I mean, it doesn't really get any better than that! It seems like every sleepover gets a little easier for us. This is giving me hope that a three bedroom house in Hilton Head just might work next summer!

Today is also KJ's 11 month birthday!!! UGH! Please stop growing. I do not want a one year old any time soon. I want a baby! It might be interesting to note that this is the longest I have gone between pregnancies. Hmm.