Monday, June 29, 2009

One Fish, Two Fish...

The girls, all of them, are loving the pool this summer. And believe it or not, this year is a little easier at the pool then last, even though I have one more child. I am not sure if it is because I am slowly giving up, or if the girls really are doing good in the pool. Maura and Maggie are doing great with their "swimming." Neither are afraid to try to swim under water. Maura is actually pretty successful at it, and mags is still thrilled to float on her back 9from last year's swim lessons). they love jumping in and are CONSTANTLY yelling "Mom, watch!"

B loves the water too. She however is bored with the baby pool and likes to run over to the lap pool and throw herself in. No matter what she is wearing. She likes to get in the water right after I get her dressed in her dress to go home. lovely! She loves to go underwater. It is kind of freaky, because she leaves her eyes WIDE open and looks up at you. Weird. She gets cold fast and is also very content to sit on the chaise eating teddy grahams (thanks Kate).

KJ also loves to splash in the water. She will probably like it more when she can sit up... I know I will. She however usually spends much of her time in the stroller in the shade. But hey, she is not complaining, yet.

So I thought I would avoid the pool this summer, but so far it has not been too bad. Of course, I have not been there when I know no one. An issue always arises when there is a bathroom trip. Dragging the non-pee-ers to the bathroom is not always done so willingly. While trying to convince the others to follow us, the pee-er is doing the potty dance saying I CAN'T HOLD IT ANY LONGER. Those are some good times. Don't want to be the reason they shut down the baby pool. I admit it, it has happened to us before (Darn non absorbent swimmie diapers!). I would like to avoid having it happen again.

You've got two days KJ.

Kerri has her 6 month check up (on her 7 month birthday... we had a little cancellation due to some double booking of activities on my part) on Wednesday. I have been there (3 times in the last 4 years) and done that. Usually these are pretty routine. The kids are on target, healthy, no concerns and no questions. Thank goodness, because with the wait time and three other little girls running around the 4 ft by 4ft room the shove us into to make us feel like the doctor is going to be coming soon, I really have little time for questions or concerns.

So KJ, you have two days to learn to sit up. I mean, you are going to be 7 months. Aren't you ready for a new perspective on the world? How exciting can it be to look up at the sky or the ceiling all the time? Aren't you ready to sit and play with some toys? You will be able to splash in the bathtub... sit on a picnic blanket... go down a slide... sit in the pool... oh my the options are endless. It would be so great. Not to mention, Mommy would be able to say, nope, Doctor, no concerns here.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Aren't We Lucky?

As I was sitting on the back deck steps with the girls and Sean looking out in the yard for lightning bugs at 9:30 pm after another great Friday with family, all I could say was, "Aren't we lucky?"

Monday, June 15, 2009

You shouldn't have done that...

because now that I know Maggie and Maura can change a poopie diaper (pretty well I might add) I may make them do it all the time.

While I was on the phone and marinating fish, aka bad mom multi tasking, Maura comes into the kitchen and says she needs a size 2 diaper. I think she is putting one on her doll. She says she can only find a B size... what's the big deal? The doll won't care. She then says she is almost done changing K's diaper.

I get in the room and there it is. K is on the floor with no diaper. I then see a wipe with some poop on it. I immediately get nervous, but apparently for no reason. The diaper (and yes it was a poopie one) is wrapped nicely on the fireplace hearth. K's bottom is clean and waiting for a new one. I hand them a new diaper, and Maura quickly and correctly puts it on. She was so proud. Yeah! Does this mean no more diaper changing for me?!?!?

Showers (literally) of fun

This past weekend was Colleen's bridal shower. It was a wonderful weekend. Very busy and very fun. We had around 30 people here Friday for some pizza... what a fun time catching up with everyone. Sean's Aunts (many of them) came in, some cousins, Dave's parents and sisters, Pat, Kristin and kids, all made the trip. It was lots of fun to see how everyone was doing. I would imagine it was weird for many of them being in the house with Sean and I as the hosts rather than Sue and Tim. I am sure if Sue was hosting there would not be pizza as the main dish!

The shower was great. Colleen got lots of good gifts. I am jealous. I think I need a shower! We had dinner at Sue and Tim's house that night... lots of food, wine and laughs. The kids hung out with Sean during the day. I took K to the shower, and she hammed it up, smiling at everyone and being her generally pleasant self. The girls were fantastic all weekend. They were social and well behaved and pretty self sufficient. This is a good thing, as you never know how they will be. I wouldn't say we would get "parents of the year" award, but no one is calling Super nanny on us either! Maura hung (literally) around with Katy and Emily all weekend. She was devastated Sunday morning when we were headed to church and she asked if "the girls [she] loved so much will be there" and I had to say no. They are very far away. Maura has a bit of an obsession with older girls right now.

B was a total card. She would smile and say cheese even when no one was taking a picture. She would flirt with whoever would flirt back. She usually does not go to people she doesn't know... that phase may be over.

And Mags, I am always a little worried about Maggie, but to be honest, I hardly saw her. She and Caitlin played great together and really did their own thing. Good for them (and good for us). I was sad the weekend was over so fast. I am looking forward to the wedding weekend even more now! Oh, and the showers (literally) in the title referred to the many thundershowers we had this weekend!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Renewing our vows

Yesterday the girls and I were all taking a bath in the big blue bath tub... a great time killer around 5:00pm! Maura was brushing my hair playing hairdresser. She was brushing the back quite hard, but apparently the pain would be worth it.

Maura: Mommy, your hair is so straight and beautiful in the back.

Me: Is it?

Maura: You will love it. Daddy will too. When he sees this, he will want to marry you all over again!