Sunday, December 28, 2008

On Fire

When the girls are running around, talking up a storm, or just plain busy, I often refer to them as being "on fire." I never realized I did that until the girls also started using that phrase.

Well, today, Mags was "on fire." Mo is at my parents for a few days, so Mags is the biggest sister. Well she has taken the role seriously. She is also embracing the fact that no one is interrupting her or telling her what to do, say or be. I do not think a period of four minutes went by in which Mags was not talking, singing, yelling, bouncing, etc. Even while doing flips on the trampoline (which they are still loving) she was telling stories.

And being on fire also helped her pass out at 7:40 today. Here's to being on fire!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Very Merry (extended) Christmas

This Christmas has been great, and long. I was so sad to see it start because I did not want it to end. That is the thing about me. I end things, sometimes before they even start. When I used to work, I would wake up Sunday morning and as soon as I realized the next day was Monday, I would say, I can't believe the weekend is over. Sean would have to remind me that it indeed was not, there was still a twelve hour day ahead of us. Didn't help.

So this Christmas was not any different. As soon as the Saturday before Christmas came and we were to start celebrating with Sean's family I was saying, "I can't believe Christmas is over already." Again, Sean would remind me that it was only December 20th; Christmas had not even come yet.

We had a broken up celebration with the O'Reillys, as Brendan was sick and very contagious. We could not take Kerri in the same house with him. Sean went over Saturday while I stayed behind. Sunday we kind of split up the day. Sean brought Kerri over to his parents' house, and I sat in the car in the driveway and fed her. He visited. Then he drove home, I stayed for another hour and a half, then drove home to feed Kerri again. Luckily, even with the shuffling back and forth, the older girls didn't seem to mind, or notice, really. They had a great time, as usual, with their cousins.

Christmas Eve was great. We went to Mass with the Smiths at Saint Norbert's. We sat in the front row and the girls (and Brady) were all great. We had a nice visit and dinner at the Smiths afterward. The girls were so excited to come home and get to bed so Santa could come. I think it was record time getting them down. Most of the wrapping/assembling/etc. was already done, so Sean and I got to bed at a reasonable time (Kerri slept 11 hours that night... another Christmas miracle). Maura came in Christmas morning at 8:15 ready to open presents. Unfortunately, her sisters did not have the same ideas. They wanted to sleep. We finally told Maura she could wake Mags up; we would let B sleep a bit. Mags said she was not ready, but after a few minutes, she came around and made her way out of the bedroom. The girls spent a few minutes on stockings but soon went into the family room to find a room full of presents... bikes, trampolines, high chairs, bunkbeds (doll) were all sitting there unwrapped. They were already thrilled. It was weird though, everyone whispered. It really was a quiet, calm, grateful morning. When I watched the video with my mom later that day, she even commented on how quiet it was. There was no fighting or jealousy, just fun and thank yous. Wow! I love it.

We had breakfast, played with our new toys, sang Christmas songs and waited for Oba and grandad. We had a great visit, a relaxing visit, with them and just kind of hung around all day. We ate, drank and were generally merry. The girls got their exercise on the trampoline which they jumped on non stop all day. That was the extent of physical activity in our house that day. It was great.

Sean has been home. We have been laying low. Today, we celebrated with my brother and Ryan. It was a very nice visit. The girls love playing with Ryan. B was a ham and loving having visitors. Maura and Maggie showed off their new trampoline moves, while wearing the leotards they have not taken of since Sunday (it is now Saturday... well they have changed into different ones, but unless we are leaving the house in the next 15 minutes, they are in a leotard). Maura has gone to my parents' house for a few days (3 kids left... that is a breeze). It is quiet. Sean's watching a Flyers game. I think I'll have a(nother) glass of wine. I guess Christmas is over. It was well worth the wait!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fitting in

Well, I wondered how I would do it, how I would possibly manage with 4 kids? So far, it really is not so bad. Except, that is, when it is REALLY bad. We always seem to be on one end of the extreme. Either things are eerily good. Like when I took the girls to the mall. What a wonderful three hours we had there. We were a bit of a spectacle. Many commented on the triple stroller and the number of young girls tagging along with me (They're not all yours, are they? was heard more than once.). But it was an enjoyable, and productive, trip. But then there is the other extreme. Like trying to get out the door with a screaming three year old who refuses to wear ANYTHING. And a frantic Mommy who knows my window of time to get out and back before feeding Kerri is limited. Not to mention, our doctor's appointment in fifteen minutes. However, I must say, Kerri is not a bit of a problem. The only struggle with her is finding the time to actually sit and feed her. I thank goodness that I am nursing her, because that very well may be the only time I sit down all day. I sometimes kill two birds with one stone and nurse while in the bathroom. Cuts that sitting time down even more! (I guess that might not be that sanitary, but definitely necessary sometimes!)

Kerri is adjusting quite nicely. We are doing a bit of a juggling act these days because Mags and B have both been sick, and we are trying to keep them away from K, but also trying not to transfer their germs to her through us. Lots of hand washes, which leads to raw and chapped hands. I do feel badly when I am holding little K and B is looking at me with her sad sick eyes, but I know it is more important to keep K healthy. I have never had this before, a winter baby. I really am so nervous about her getting sick. I am just so happy that K is here, and healthy and fitting in quite well. I am also happy, I might add, that she has blessed us with a full night's sleep. Thanks so much for that, K. We love having you here with us!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A letter to Maura...

Dear Maura Bryn,

I want to let you know that I know it is not always easy being the oldest girl. Especially when you have four little ones younger than you and you are just 4 yourself. Sometimes Mommy forgets that really, you are just a baby too. Sometimes I feel so sorry that you were forced to grow up so fast. Please know that I know you did not really get to be a baby for too long. Please know that I try to remind myself all the time, that it is not your responsibility, nor will it ever be, to raise or watch or control your sisters.

You are such a good big sister and such a good daughter that sometimes I expect too much from you. I understand that it must be frustrating to have a "baby" mess up a puzzle you just spent so much time working on. I realize that sometimes you just want to cuddle, or snuggle, or cry or giggle for no apparent reason. Sometimes you need mommy to help you get dressed or buckle your car seat. You are after all, just a little girl.

I want you to always know that I appreciate your help with the littler ones. Sometimes my signals are mixed. I will tell you to leave your little sister alone. Then I will ask you why you let her do something. Please feel free to remind me that you are just a little girl. A sweet, kind, smart and funny little girl.

I have been so proud of the way you love your newest little sister, Kerri. I love how you run in the bathroom all on your own to wash your hands and come out with them still wet to prove that you did indeed wash them. You ask to hold Kerri. You sit for long periods of time singing to her and telling her stories. If I catch you and you notice, you usually deny that you were singing to her. You are a very sweet big sister. Kerri, Bridget, and Maggie are very lucky to have you. I am very lucky to have you.

I hope the love from your sisters, the hours of playing together, the bond that you form with them will overpower the fact that you will always have the most responsibility in the house. I hope you know that you are perfect for the job. I hope you know I love you more than I can possibly tell you.



I just have to write a little about Bridget. She has really come into her own these last few weeks. I am not sure if she seems more grown up simply because we have a one week old in the house or because, she really is growing up. I think it is a combination of both.

She is such an easy going baby, well an easy going baby with a temper. She literally walks around the house picking things up and taking them from place to place. She really spends much of her day walking around. She is always ready to go somewhere. If she hears us talking about leaving she will head right over and grab her coat and be ready to scoot out the door. If you leave without her, enter temper!

She laughs easily and wholeheartedly. And she really is beautiful. She has a smile that just makes you smile. She loves to eat, a lot. She also now knows what the other girls are getting, and she too wants whatever they have. Do not try to give her the plain donut while the other two get sprinkles. She knows it. And she lets you know it!

She is really smart. She can't really talk yet (She says Mama, Papa, Jay, Oh uh, and Quack). But she can comprehend complex directions. She also knows to throw out her trash (something her oldest sister forgets) and put her dishes in the sink (or sometimes the trash). She will get a yogurt drink out of the fridge, then get a straw out of the cabinet and bring it over to you. And again, she throws it out when she is finished!

She gives big hugs to her friends. Today she started giving big hugs to Kerri. It was quite cute. She even rubbed her head gently, or as gently as she could.

B doesn't sit still. She is always going. She loves to climb (Mine and Sean's DNA must mix to form some type of climbing tendency) everything. She stands on the back of chairs, railings, strollers. You name it, she climbs it.

B really is a great gal. She is fun and spunky and sweet and sassy. I can't wait to see this personality develop. I think we would be friends! I hope you always know how special you are to me!

7:27 pm

It is 7:27 pm. All is quiet in the house except the Christmas music playing on the radio and the rain hitting the windows. I should relax and enjoy, but it is kind of freaky.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Welcome Kerri Jean (Part 2)

After about three hours I was just 2 centimeters dilated. Ugh. Then things started to go crazy. About 15 minutes later I was four. By the time the doctor came to numb me, I was in pretty serious labor. Apparently an emergency C-section takes precedence over my contractions! Well, this (getting the epidural) was a mistake. First he put it in wrong, hit some nerves and sent very painful shocks all down my legs. He tried again... this time the painful shocks were down my arms. So he had to start all over. New hole, another shot or two, some leaking spinal fluid... fun times. Second epidural worked... too well. My arms were numb. I was numb all the way up to my neck, not good. They turned off the epidural. Didn't really matter anyway. By the time the very inept "doctor" finished, I was 10 centimeters. My blood pressure was falling 50/30 and the baby's heart rate was dropping. They quickly set up the room for delivery and started telling me to push. I was trying, but I was so numb it was hard. I was also vomiting a bit with each push. As soon as I was done one push, they would make me start again, no rest between contractions. The vacuum came out. There were panicked looks (but calm voices) between nurses. The topper, was when the nurse put her hands on my belly and gave the final push to get Kerri out.

When the doctor cut the cord I knew we were in trouble; we had just talked about Sean doing that. Kerri was not moving. The doctor said she was in shock from everything happening so fast. They called in the NICU nurses and started giving Kerri oxygen. We were scared. The room was silent, except for doctor saying she was going to be okay. And she was. After a few very long minutes, Kerri was pink and breathing fine on her own. Her APGAR score went from a 4 to an 8. But she was mad, and showing it! What a relief to hear her cry. She has not cried like that since. I guess she is over it!

The night continued with blown veins, lost uteruses and the such, but by morning, things were calm, and it was like Kerri was always there.

The girls came to meet her and celebrate her first party with her. There were cupcakes and hats and favors and presents... they loved her for bringing such fun. Maura loved holding her. Maggie just looked at her and patted her a few times. B hit anyone who was holding her. It was loud and crazy in our room, just a preview of what the rest of our lives will look (and sound) like. Actually, I thought it was a little slice of heaven. Would have been a bigger slice if my insides didn't feel like they were going to fall out!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Welcome Kerri Jean (Part 1)

Well, she is here. Our newest addition to our family could not be more perfect. We had a very, very busy weekend of holiday festivities; she decided to keep the excitement going for one more day. All the girls slept very late on Monday morning, so I decided that Mo could skip school and head over to Mimi's for some extra time with their cousins. After a nice visit, we left around 2:30 to head home for naps (B and, hopefully, me). This was not to be.

At 3:30 I was on the phone catching up with my friend Meghan... in the middle of a good story... and whoosh, my water broke. I tried to finish my story, but, at her urging, I hung up and began the mad rush of packing for the hospital: packing M&M for Sean's parents, and B & Jameson for my parents. You would think this would be done, as I was planning on being induced on Thursday. The weekend was just so crazy, and I really was doing laundry on Monday with plans to pack that evening.

After two unsuccessful attempts to contact Sean, two unsuccessful attempts to contact Sue, and a successful attempt to contact my dad, I was convinced my water broke (could have just been peeing myself!). I called the doctor, they said to head to Paoli Hospital. It was a bit of a whirlwind getting everyone packed, but soon I had my mother in law, dad, and husband rushing home. We finished getting ready, left a mess in the kitchen (I was in the middle of making a BLT for myself... can't remember the last time I made one of those!). On the way to the hospital I said to Sean, "I just hope to God I am not only one centimeter. I want to be at least three."

I was one! Ugh. We checked in, got settled in our room and began the waiting game. We got there around 5:15 pm. I was not really having contractions yet, just some minor back pain. Everyone kept telling me what a smooth, fast delivery this would be, after all, not only was it my fourth, but my fourth in less than 5 years!

Well they were wrong.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

She listens to me!

Yes, one out of four ain't bad. I looked at my last entry on the morning of December 1st and noticed that I asked Baby O to please make an arrival soon. Well, she did! At 3:30 that afternoon my water broke. A few crazy hours later, Kerri Jean O'Reilly was born. I will write more about the events leading up to and since the birth later, but for now, I want to say, it sure is nice holding a healthy newborn baby in my arms.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Still waiting...

It is 5:30 am on December 1st (Happy Birthday and Congratulations Aunt Colleen!). Every day that goes by I keep my fingers crossed that this little baby will make an appearance. So far, nothing. However, each day I feel a little more and more uncomfortable. I have back contractions and feel this baby digging lower and lower, but nothing. I was really hoping to go on my own, before being induced, but I will take what I can get. A healthy baby, however it happens.

We had a great holiday weekend, so I am glad I did not miss any of it. Between yummy dinners, birthday parties and engagements, and the kids just flat out having a blast with their cousins, life was good. I was uber impressed with the kids this weekend. Logan, Caitlin, Brendan and Cooper were all in town to play. Ryan was here on Sunday. The girls were so excited for it all. Besides one (maybe two or three) minor (maybe major) meltdown by our Mags, it was pretty smooth sailing. B just walked around smiling and happy. She went right to Aunt Nancy, which is highly unusual for her; she usually takes a while to warm up to a person.

The kids played in the basement and had a blast. On Friday night they set up a store for about 3 hours. At 10 pm when they wanted to open it, it was time to go to bed/home for us. They said it would open the next day. It never did. It really was funny, they worked so hard setting it up, were so excited for customers, but any time anyone came near, they would say, can't you read the sign? We're closed. There really was a sign!

Saturday, the Devon 5K was a fun way to start a nice day. Followed by more make believe play, and tons of time with Aunt Nancy. When I asked Mo if she loved Aunt Nancy, she said yes, she is so fun. I then said "She must really love kids." Mo said, "Why?" genuinely confused. I think I need to spend some more time actively playing with my kids!!

Saturday night the babysitter came, and we headed downtown for a surprise 30th birthday/you're engaged party for Dave and Colleen. It was lots of fun, and Coll was truly surprised. I am very happy for them.

Sunday Oba, Grandad, Chris and Ryan came over. It was a fun visit. I was exhausted, luckily my mom pretty much brought everything, including a delicious turkey right out of the oven!! The girls were in heaven seeing Ry-Guy (as Maggie always refers to him, even to say "Stop that Ry-Guy!"). It was a nice visit. We then got some baby stuff ready and set up. Girls are starting to get excited. So back to the original thought... any time you are ready, we are too. The holiday and parties are over and it is time for some more excitement. A new little baby in my arms would feel great right about now!