Thursday, February 21, 2008

All our dreams really are coming true...

This is what Maura turned and said to me while we were leaving the room with all the princesses in it. Two people walked up to our family and said we would like to help make your dreams come true. They handed us these passes that let us skip the lines of most of the rides. I have to admit, I began to tear up. I said "This is the best day of my life" Part for the girls, part because I really felt it. Sean looked at me like I was crazy! Really? he asked. I absolutely loved spending the whole day with Maura in Magic kingdom on Monday. Maggie and Sean left around 12:30 and returend around 5:30. Mags was still a little young for the trip, but Mo was perfect. She was old enough to have an attention span for the shows and things, did not leave to nap, and walked on her own most of the day. It was great. We rode the rides, and without a line, we could ride the same ones over and over. We did story hour with Belle. We met all the characters. We had front row seats for the parade, characters even came over and touched Mo's hands. I really thought i was a perfect day. Maura and I were there from 8:45 am until 9:45 pm. Talk about getting your money's worth (and we only paid $11.00 for parking b/c I lost the parking pass!)

Mags did like the rides there. She even met all the characters. the only one she would not go near was Goofy. It was kind of funny. She had just finished seeing Goofy and Donald, but would not go up to Goofy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To the most magical place on earth?

Well, we are off tomorrow (well I am off, the girls and Sean are joining me Sunday) to Disney World. What I am most excited about is leaving the house tomorrow and officially being done packing. I cannot believe how much goes into it. Sean may have them on the plane all day, but he did not have to spend the last four days packing and organizing. I think I would take the plane over that!

I am also really looking forward to the girls in DW. Mo is really excited to show Mags around. I do not think Mags quite knows what she is in for, but she thinks it is cool because Mo does. It will be so much fun to see the two of them together. Today Mo was running around the front yard yelling "I am going to Disney World!"

What I am most sad about is not seeing B-Rock for 6 days... ugh! I will miss her goofy smile. I know that when I see her next she will look so big and seem so old. I remember last year when Mo flew down with Jenn and Isabel (after only 3 days of not seeing her) she seemed so old.

So I am excited for the work and prep to be over and the fun to begin! We are ready to see some magic!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Well, we finally did it. We moved Mags to her very own big girl bed. She has been crawling out of her crib since the summer. We have been talking about doing it since then, but, well, we were to lazy, I mean busy. We had a bed and everything, we just finally got it set up.

It was very cute how excited Mags was, but even cuter was how excited Mo got for her. They got out their tool kit to "help" daddy set it up (and take down the crib). They "test drove" the new mattress by bouncing on (and off) it for several minutes. They were just giddy with excitement. the good thing it was not too hard to do (I say that because I was in the kitchen making dinner the whole time).

Daddy read books in Mag's bed (they usually read in Mo's). The first night went pretty well, but Mags has made her way down the steps (several times) each night. It is really funny how she peeks around the corner to see what we are doing and to see if we know she is there. We always do, sometimes we just choose to ignore her. Mo is usually upstairs in her bed sound asleep (the benefits of no nap). Hopefully she will start to stay in her bed, especially tonight since Sean is at a basketball game, and I am hoping to have all three in bed by 8:00... I laugh even as I type that!

We have found something B will eat. She likes bananas, and she likes when Daddy sings the banana song! I do not know how this will fare with her digestive system, but at least she is eating!

We are off to Florida this week. me first for cheerleading, then Sean and the girls will join me Sunday. Packing has been crazy as I have had to pack for various situations that the girls will be in, first while I am gone, while they are at my p's house, for the plane, and then for Orlando and then Fort Meyers! Ugh. It has not been fun. Sean offered to do it, with a disclaimer that I would not be happy with what he packed. he is right, so I am on my own. Near finished. Only about 6 hours of laundry and packing yesterday... good times!